Fueling and sleep

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Fueling and sleep
Title : Fueling and sleep

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    Fueling and sleep

    IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... The majority of people looking to achieve their desired fitness/body composition goals look to one avenue to help them achieve that success.

    "working out"

    Could you imagine being told to not go to the gym all week, take 2- 45 min walks working on deep breathing throughout the week, light stretching, eliminate 2 foods from your diet this week (coaches decision) and to sleep 9 hours.
    And within 1-2 weeks you feel AWESOME AND youve lost 5 lbs.
    Awesome huh?

    Working out is the avenue that is the least important when looking at the other two factors of success.

    Hitting the gym 5-6 days a week, 45 min to 1 hour of aerobic based activity (elliptical, running, walking). The thought is the more calories you burn, the more weight you will lose. Calories in = Calories out. Or does it?


    Im here to tell you that the above will not work for ANY of you long-term. There are
    people who will lose the quick 5-10 lbs with added activity in their lives, their insulin levels may be partially stabalized due to the increase of activity and the need for glucose as energy while working out, possible more muscle mass consuming more calories, cutting the chances of your insulin spiking after meals (slightly)
    BUT this is short term stuff.

    Two MAIN factors that NEED TO BE CHANGED slowly is your lifestyle (stress levels and sleeping) and food intake. Without addressing these two areas, your 5 hours a week at your gym, aimlessly training is taking you no where but costing you more $$ out of your pocket and time away from your family and friends.

    Clients figure this out on their own here at GG. They realize that eating poorly during the week and attempting to train and progress is severely limited due to "not fueling the machine" as we say here. They connect the two over-time. A client will bonk on a workout and ill ask:what did you eat today? And they name off 3-4 foods, consisting of no protein and fat and around 800 calories and this is at 7:00 at night. WAKE UP!!!! THIS DOESNT WORK!!!

    Another MAJOR factor is sleep. Most people dont sleep enough, not even close. They make their way to bed around 10:00 PM, totally over stimulated, brain moving at 110 MPH, lights cranking out electrowaves as they sit playing farmville on the computor minutes from going to bed and they stare at the ceiling for the first hour of sleeping. Cortisol levels way out of whack. They may not realize this but they are just sleeping in stage 1, REM (rapid eye movement), this isnt real sleep, your eyes are just closed. No physical or mental repair is happening here and this is bad.
    So you wake up at 5AM with maybe 6 hours of sleep, ....to start another day.
    This doesnt work.

    So what do you do?

    Your confused on how to eat, how to sleep and reduce stress levels and are totally lost at the gym.

    1) Become aware that this is a problem, if you deny this you are only making this harder on yourself.
    2) Become aware when this is happeneing to you ie: when you crawl into bed tonight and your brain is moving constantly, you cant STOP THINKING....yes you'll think of this post probably tonight
    3) List on paper some easy steps towards fixing these problems. Ie: dim lights at 7:30 PM and do some light stretching.
    4) re-visit these steps weekly and hold yourself accountable for not following through.
    5) Realize you are an adult, there is no one else to blame for your problems. You either want to create change or you dont.
    6) Become successful long term- understanding the connection between these factors.
    7) Help others start to feel better, you'll probably make a few new friends.

    I make this list sound a tad easier than it may be for most.

    Private coaching is an option that will answer all these questions for you.
    No questioning yourself.

    If you set the stage for success, you will ultimatley enjoy working out more, and see countless improvements.

    Become a success.

    3 private training spots left!!

    1)Are you going to be one that decides 2012 is the year to make a lasting change?
    2)Or are you going to be left on New Years day already fearing going to the gym? Waiting for a few "good" excuses to quit till 2013.

    You have that choice...


    Thank for your attention Fueling and sleep

    my blog Fueling and sleep, Have a nice day.

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