IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Garage Gym Games Events/Details
Title : Garage Gym Games Events/Details
Garage Gym Games Events/Details
Who will come out on top this weekend?
Below are the 3 events plus details surrounding the first ever Garage Gym Games.
I want to quickly chat about exactly what this is.
The Garage Gym Games is a sport series that will have 3-4 events throughout the year. All events are a balanced test of fitness with constantly evolving methods and workouts. This gives all our athletes (private, group and remote) an opportunity to put all their hard work to the test. This is not just a competition for elite level athletes or those looking to compete against someone else. This is an open competition whose events can be scaled based on experience. Its an opportunity to learn something about yourself, maybe make a friend or two, surround yourself with individuals who value high levels of fitness and health and to have fun. This event is expected to grow at a very high rate, with no limits on how big this can get.
I want to make this clear, our community at Garage Gym is an open source model of learning. What does that mean? We are not trying to prove our methods are the best, we are looking to gather individuals who come from all backgrounds, cross fit, endurance sports, power lifting, generalized training etc and with time this will allow me to start putting some data together to better formulate what it "takes" to become the "fittest". Can the fittest ever be tested accurately, that hasn't been answered yet. What does the fittest mean, that hasn't been answered either. All I know is we are constantly searching for answers and higher level orders of thinking when it comes to fitness and health.
I commend all our brave athletes who will be stepping into the arena tomorrow morning.
This is the start of something special.
Event 1: 8 AM CP energy system
In one hour complete the following for max weight/reps
#1 Thruster 3 rep max
#2 Power clean 2 rep max
#3 Pullups/chinups 1 attempt max reps
Score = Thruster + Power clean + Pullups
Event 2: 10:30 AM Anaerobic lactate capacity test
One mile run sprint
Lunch 11:30-12:30- Don't eat too much
Event 3 Aerobic energy system
Heat 1: 1:30
Heat 2: 2:00 Top 2
25 min AMRAP
Row 400m
Deadlift 135/55 x 10 reps
Burpees jumping over the bar 8 reps
Movement standards
Event 1
Thruster will be taken from the rack
Lockout must be held for 1 sec overhead per rep
Squat must be below parallel
Rest as needed in the rack position
Group 1- Mike, Geoff, Ben
Group 2- Bren, Russ, Jess
Power clean- you have to stand all the way up upon catching the weight
You can drop from the rack position
You have 10 sec rest b/t reps
You must start your 2nd lift by 10 sec, that doesn't mean approach the bar at 10 sec, then pull at 17 sec.
Need full extension at the bottom
Chin over the bar
any style excepted, ie. kipping, strict, mixed grip, 1 handed etc...
you have 1 attempt, make it count
You will be responsible for being honest with your reps/weight lifted. You will hand in your scorecard after the event is finished. Those within your group will be responsible for judging the quality of the rep. All of you have enough experience to understand what is expected. I recommend taking the entire hour for this workout, resting 3-5 min between high effort lifts is important.
Event 2
You will run 1 mile out, no turnaround. I will be at the finish line. You will turn left off of Knoxboro road and run straight for another 1/2 mile. You will walk back and cool down.
Every position counts
Event 3
Remain on the rower until monitor hits 400m
Shoulders need to be behind the bar at the top of the deadlift, hips and knees locked out
Burpees chest to deck- no jump at the top
You have to jump off TWO feet when jumping over the bar
If a rower malfunctions- no poor sports please, it happens, we will have an extra
The top 2 competitors will compete at 2:00, that doesn't mean one of these competitors will win though, heat one may produce a smasher of a performance, it happens all the time (CF games 2008)
Thank for your attention Garage Gym Games Events/Details
my blog Garage Gym Games Events/Details, Have a nice day.
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