IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Lost 31% body-fat in 6 months (case study)
Title : Lost 31% body-fat in 6 months (case study)
Lost 31% body-fat in 6 months (case study)
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ...31% body fat reduction
Justin has a background as a sprint triathlete with hopes of competing in the 1/2 ironman and possibly the full ironman distance. When Justin was assessed we discovered a lower cross syndrome (weak glutes and core, tight hip flexors.) His body was tired from training 15-20 hours a week with limited structure. Upon completing a detailed bodyfat test we discovered Justins pec/tricep score to be out of the healthy range but within 2-5mm of each other, meaning that Justins current lifestle/training program needed some fine tuning, and also pointed out low testosterone levels. The subscap, midaxilla, and illiac were just slightly out of the healthly range so we modified the quality and quantity of Justins carbohydrate choices. The sight that was most interesting was the umbillical score being the highest out of the bunch. The umbillical score can be related to carbohydrate intake/use but Im going to attribute this sight to 2-3 years of high volume aerobic based training, which producec high levels of cortisol in his body. The last sight of concern was his thigh measurement. The score taken indicated an imbalance of hormones (estrogen/testosterone). His estrogen levels appeared to be higher than "healthy".
Justin has now been a client at GG for 6 months
Justin was prescribed a nutrition program that eliminated some common food intolerances, was rx'd a specific amount of carbs to eat per day and was rx'd a 5 day detox allowing his body to clear toxins and give his liver, kidneys, and intestinal track a rest. He also reduced his aerobic training and started strength training 2-3 days/week. We educated Justin on the importance around over training/overreaching and warning signs to look out for as we did not want him training too hard (he's in the off season).
With extremely tight hip flexors, squatting to proper depth was an issue and his glute function was limited due to inhibition from his hip flexors. We initially started back squatting at 135 for 8 reps and deadlifting at 145 for 8 reps. His Upper body pulling and pushing had no issues. His side bridge and sorenson test displayed inefficient strength, leading to overextending through the core which caused some minor tweaks in his lumbar spine.
6 months later
23% midsection body-fat reduction
31% full body reduction
Pec and tricep scores show increased testosterone levels
Umbillical showed no change (take note: even with diet and training change 2-3 years of hammering endurance training and a stressful job, still limits the amount of change here.)
Thigh reduced 69%- T levels increased, balanced out estrogen and T levels
Back squat went from 135 for 8 to 205 for 10
Deadlift went from 145 for 8 to 245 for 8
Side bridge and sorenson pass
Maximum aerobic function test went from 10:27 down to 8:40 (take note: his aerobic capacity increased once we started training LESS, but fixed food and lifestyle)
Well done Justin!
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