IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Garage Gym Boilermaker Training Program with Tammy Alcott
Title : Garage Gym Boilermaker Training Program with Tammy Alcott
Garage Gym Boilermaker Training Program with Tammy Alcott
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ...Rachel, Alicia and Melissa before the Old Forge color run.
Garage Gym has joined forces with 20 year Boilermaker veteran Tammy Alcott and is offering an exclusive Boilermaker Training Program for those interested in completing their first Boilermaker, improve on their current time or an individual looking to have the support and community to make training fun and exciting.
Our goal is to provide a training structure through educating our clients around program design, flexibility, proper running form, nutrition, strength and community.
The knowledge you will take away from this comprehensive program will lend itself nicely to overall health and other areas of fitness.
Program Content:
A nutrition PowerPoint presentation by Josh Lewis will be available to all clients via an exclusive "members only" link. The topics discussed with this presentation include...
- What is a macronutrient
- Glycemic index and its role with fat burning
- Insulin a critical hormone that promotes life but also fatigue and weight gain and how you can control it
- Josh's top 3 foods and how they can increase your energy levels, and improve digestion
- A basic layout of 1 day of eating for fat loss
- A basic layout of 1 day of eating for performance (if your body fat levels are in check)
- Sleep and its affect on your body
- Emotions around food and why
- Why low calorie doesn't work
- Josh's list of must avoid foods and why
- And much much more
Value $100
Garage Gym Instructor Lisa Coleman will be running a private boilermaker training group 1x/wk boot camp at Garage Gym Old School in Oriskany Falls starting April 20th.
This program will be designed to increase your strength levels, work on imbalances which lead to injury, core strength and flexibility.
Value $120
Dr Darrack Bush from Bush Chiropractic will be hosting a 2 hour LIVE stretching seminar at Garage Gym Old School, date TBA.
Darrack works with hundreds of individuals from Central NY, beginner to elite athletes. He will present state of the art stretching and mobility techniques to help with everyday aches and pains, increase performance and injury prevention.
Value $120
Tammy Alcott will be meeting with individuals 1x/wk to run a local route.
Meeting place will vary- groups will be divided into beginner and advanced starting 3/16. Running with a group is not only fun, but is also motivating to complete a challenging course with fellow friends and community members.
Value $160
Josh Lewis and Tammy Alcott will be video taping runner's form and working with groups of 15 on a Saturday TBA, in 1 hour intervals. All runners will have a chance to be video taped and review their form in slow motion. Improper running form not only slows you down, it also increases risk of injury, and makes running long term as a sport much more abusive on the body. Have you ever experienced knee pain, hip pain, or low back tightness while running? This opportunity should not be missed!
Value: $65
Josh Lewis will be writing an exclusive Program Design for beginner and advanced levels starting 3/16 via group email. Have you ever found yourself wondering what you should do for a workout? Did you know that long slow distance running may not be the quickest way to improve your aerobic capacity? No worries, you will have workouts emailed to you once a week, follow them to stay on track!
Value $400
We will be hosting a community gathering 1 week before the big race in Oriskany Falls and will be watching a motivational movie, eating healthy snacks and getting ready for the race! This is an informal social gathering. RSVP is necessary.
Value priceless!
Total package value = $965!
Your investment = $199
We are limiting participants to ensure quality and attention to all.
Number of Exclusive Boilermaker Training slots available = 50
Once these slots fill we will start a waiting list but do not wait!
There is no program in Central NY that provides the knowledge and value that this does!
Reserve your space TODAY!
Send us an email to or call us at 368-8492, leave your Name, phone number and email address.
Send us an email to or call us at 368-8492, leave your Name, phone number and email address.
Are you ready?
Be well,
Josh Lewis and Tammy Alcott
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my blog Garage Gym Boilermaker Training Program with Tammy Alcott, Have a nice day.
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