Garage Gym expands to its 2nd location! Must Read!

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Garage Gym expands to its 2nd location! Must Read!
Title : Garage Gym expands to its 2nd location! Must Read!

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Garage Gym expands to its 2nd location! Must Read!


Garage Gym is proud to announce that they will be expanding into its 2nd location April 15th, located in the old Oriskany Falls School band room.

Name: Garage Gym Old School

Mission: To educate individuals in a fun community based atmosphere through fitness, nutrition and lifestyle prescriptions enabling them to live a functional, energy filled life.

1400 square feet of space allows us to offer amazing programs that have never been offered at Garage Gym HQ due to space and parking limitations.

Conveniently located 5 min southeast of HQ, this location will be offering Old School Boot Camps, Yoga, a kids fitness program and Prime Fit for clients that are retirees or individuals looking for gentle but challenging group fitness.

HQ will remain the primary location for exclusive private and semi private sessions along with individual nutrition and lifestyle consultations.

Class sizes will be limited to ensure an extremely high quality service and attention to all individuals.

What makes HQ's offerings, Old School Boot Camp and your other group classes different from the others?
Simple - Our staff is has over 38 years combined experience, are highly trained in program design, no guessing or throwing random exercises on the whiteboard, understand the basic laws of exercise physiology, teach movements based on levels of abilities (not what a weekend instructor tells you to teach), have hundreds of hours "in the trenches" feeling what every kind of workout demands, and we educate all individuals on specific nutrition and lifestyle factors that are based on individuals needs, not a one size fits all approach.

We are lucky enough to have a large client base, and years of experience, that we understand exactly where you are starting from at any level and where you want to go.

If you are looking to meet others in a group atmosphere, sweat and learn how to eat and live correctly, then Old School is for you.
A common quote you will hear frequently at HQ is "you are only as successful as those individuals that you surround yourself with".
If you are looking to radiate with energy, motivation, confidence and strength, then you need to develop a "mastermind" group. Individuals who have the same goals and dreams as you.

Specific details coming shortly, respond to this email or post to be put on an exclusive first come, first serve list. Be the first to have an opportunity to reserve one of these limited spots!

More News....

Garage Gym will be opening its doors to its Oneida Location, located behind Lombardi Chiropractic Summer of 2013!

This facility will be working in 2 phases.
Phase 1- 1800 square feet with large lawn and parking for all
Phase 2- 3200 square feet allowing private, semi private or consultation/seminar sessions to be conducted during group classes.

Numerous programs including....
Primal Performance geared for the competitive athlete looking to compete or train in the sport of Crossfit
Exclusive private and semi private coaching
Program Design tailored for individuals who want to complete workouts on their own but want professional guidance along the way
Boot Camps, yoga, kids and more......

More to come on this location along with Old School Oriskany Falls shortly...

Be well,
Garage Gym Team


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