IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : San Diego Big Dawg Bash
Title : San Diego Big Dawg Bash
San Diego Big Dawg Bash
Warming up before Event 3- focused
Sunday- Competition day
I will give you my thoughts and feelings around each of the 6 events that happened at the competition portion of the weekend. The day started at 6:00 AM with a breakfast consisting of some organic chix sausage, yogurt, applesauce, and cashews. I had very few butterflys going into this comp. My sister and I arrived at Crossfit Invictus at 7:15 with a crowd of over 150 people/competitors/judges. The environment was amazing, meeting many new faces, and fellow competitors/friends ive met in the past. I weighed in at 167.4 (4 lbs light for me but thats normal before a comp, the body prepares for battle by losing weight sometimes)
First event for me started at 8:30 which was a max clean and jerk for 1 rep max in 10 min. Everyone had to start with a bare bar at 45# and build to as much weight as possible in 10 min to take from ground to overhead, and lockout for 1 sec. Weights felt light in my warmup and my coach mike fitzgerald helped coach me on some tech and strategies going into the event. I opened with 198lbs with felt like 45#. The energy was unreal there, which normally sets the stage for some great performances. I moved onto 218# which went up fast. I rested and planned on going to 223 but was told to go to 228 by coach. Nailed 228 with 1:30 min left. I loaded the bar with 233 but with 30 sec coach wanted me at 238, so i scrambled to find another 5 lbs, with only 10 sec left i found the weight, loaded the bar and squeezed the bar, with thoughts of wanting to break it. I cleaned the weight to the my shoulders and with lots of eyes on me, i wasnt going to settle for a missed jerk. I slammed that bar overhead, stuck it with some difficulty and the judge yelled DOWN, lift complete!! a 15 lb personal record, event one complete. My sister nailed a personal record of 70#'s for her first ever event at a competition. Event one was out of the way for both of us...11 hours left...gametime.
Event 2 Triple broad jump Athletes jump off 2 feet, land on 1 foot, jump, land on opposite foot, jump, land on both feet, for max distance. Feet couldnt move on landing or jump was DQ'd. I had never done this event before so this was an exciting new experience, nothing to lose, full effort. I ended with a third jump of 23'. I was happy with this, but much practice needs to happen with this. 30+ feet is where I need to be.
Rested 2 min
Event 3 Row sprint 500 meters rest 90 sec Row sprint 500 meters for total time. This event was the most painful out of the entire day. I rowed a 1:32 for my first 500 at 95% effort, i hit it hard but was controlled knowing i had the most painful 500m of my life only 90 sec away. I had a crowd standing behind me encouraging me and yelling at me to push my hardest. I knew I had to leave everything I had on that rower. I hit 300m to go and the lactate started to settle in, my brain, heart and lungs where pushing at 100%, but my body started to feel the effects of limited oxygen intake and my legs started to go downhill. I hit 100m to go and at this point there is no pain, I was at a place in my head where everything goes numb and you dont stop until the montitor reads zero. I remember fellow big dawg Brent Maier yelling splits that were 1 m faster than each of my strokes and I hit almost every split he yelled. 1:33.9, 500m completed. My legs were locked in the straight position due to the lactate and my lungs where on fire with my heart rate increasing by the second for the next 2-3 min. I stayed on the rower for a min or two until I was able to stand, walked to the nearest corner and laid down, knowing this is the worst thing to do after a high lacatate burner but my legs were gone, standing was not an option at this point. 15 minutes of wondering if my hamstrings, adductors and forearms would stop burning, they finally did, i walked for a few, got situtated, downed a post workout meal and waited 1 hour to eat lunch. Got my head back in the game, and focused solely on the next event in 2 hours.
Event 4
In 7 min complete the following
-150 jump rope double unders then in the remaining time complete as many reps of:
7 wallballs/ 20# throw to 10 feet with a full squat
5 burpees jumping to touch wall 1 foot above max reach
My nervous system took a big hit from the first 3 events and I had a hard time warming up for this, as my body wanted to sleep, but mentally i was ready and that was all I needed. Warmup completed,a nice sweat going, our heat was announced and I stepped into the arena, over a hundred spectators/judges, cameras and noise. Picked my rope, met my judge and waited for the 3...2...1.. I started with 99 unbroken double unders and broke on purpose to give my shoulders a rest for 3 sec, completed 31, rest 5 sec, then 20, completed 150 double unders in 1 min 40 sec, 2nd one out of the gate. I hit 5 min into the workout and heard my name from the crowd from lots of different people, how do you slow down at this point, 2 more min of giving everything. 30 sec to go and I know I had one more round in me, i hit it and completed 8 rounds total, top score was 9 round plus 6 reps, close...
Rested 2 hours/ slammed lots and lots of carbs in the next hour, stretched, massaged, foam rolled and chatted with coach about expectations and goals going into the final events.
Event 5 at the local track 16 lb shot put overhead 2 hand throw for max distance I threw 32.7 feet, i was happy with this, it was a new movement and Garry Martin was in my group, Division 1 track and field decathalon athlete, he threw 40 feet. 35+ feet is possible with some simple tech work.
rested 1 hour
Event 6 3000m run. I was sore at this point. Feet, ankles and knees alittle beat up, but overall I felt good, mentally i was there, muscles recovered for the most part. I was in the same group as two very elite runners and was excited to see what their times would be. My coach said sub 12:00 for me. After the first lap I think I was either last or 2nd to last, but knew in my head the pack would slow. The first lap for me was at 1:28 a sub 6 min mile pace, right where I wanted to be...over the next 7.5 laps I pasted 6-7 athletes. Hit my final lap at 10:30, and my breathing was tough, the 12 hour day had taken its toll, one lap to go, i had fellow athlete jordan holland 20m ahead of me with 300m to go, i caught him with 120m to go, passed him and at 80m he passed me again finishing 2 sec ahead of me, time 12:06, event FINISHED!!! a 6:29 mile split, not thrilled, 6 sec from my goal but ill take it. Top time was 10:37, a 5:41 mile split. a meal, shower and 2 hours later we were flying home at 10PM, 10 min into flight I was sound asleep, didnt wake till we were 10 min from philadelphia...lots of memories.
Overall I placed 26th out of 73 males. No regrets, 100% effort on every event, I left every bit of sweat and mental strength I had in San Diego....
I witnessed numerous numerous physical feats on Sunday.
To name a few
A 396 lb clean and jerk
A 318 lb clean and jerk by a 170# athlete
A 2:56 total row time
9 round 6 reps on the metcon
48 foot shot throw, pure power
10:37 3k run
Watching Mizar 140lb athlete Clean and jerk 235#
Pat Skinner nailing 260#, pure adrenaline, Ive never seen a 5000 sq foot room turn at once and watch an athlete scream with intensity and nail a lift like that. Watching Nate schrader fall off the rower after battling next to Nathan Holiday Watching Shana Duvall at a BWT of 117 Clean and jerk 155#
Watching Lauren Manero run a 3k in 11:00
First time competitors, my sister Jessica, Mandy Skinner and Emily Schrader. Talk about guts, this event had over 100 top competitors from all around the world. Each competed with no fear and pure will. Overcoming that fear of stepping into the arena is an accomplishment words cant describe. Until you stand in the arena, its hard to understand what it feels like. Thank you to James Fitzgerald/Leighanne the whole OPT crew, CROSSFIT INVICTUS, ALL THE VOLUNTEERS/JUDGES for making this one kick ass event. Huge thanks to my beautiful wife for making this weekend possible. She worked hard all day Sunday to make sure Jessie and I had food, and all the stuff that is needed to get through a 12 hour comp on the opposite side of the country. It was a complete success.
Until next year...onwards and upwards...many new friends made, additional friendships strengthened, learned tons and bringing back 100% of my experiences to the Garage Gym. Next year I plan on traveling with some athletes we have built at Garage Gym to compete next to Jessie and I. Make a nice week in San Diego, rent a house, sit on the beach and sweat some :) Will you be ready?
"It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." "Citizenship in a Republic," Speech at the Sorbonne, Paris, April 23, 1910
Additional posts will be soon regarding presentations and learnings
Thank for your attention San Diego Big Dawg Bash
my blog San Diego Big Dawg Bash, Have a nice day.
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