IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : An offer and my gift to YOU entering the New Year.....
Title : An offer and my gift to YOU entering the New Year.....
An offer and my gift to YOU entering the New Year.....
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... I am offering a limited number of you an deal that you will not be able to refuse.Its the holiday season and Im in the gift giving mood.
Do you like the idea of losing 5...10...maybe 20 lbs in the next 3 months?
What if I told you that you didn't need to start a workout program or even leave your house?
What if I told you that there is a 15% chance of you receiving this package absolutley free?
The regular price of this package is $300.
I am offering my exclusive email nutrition package to only the first SIX people that respond to this email.
Find out my secrets on how our clients are melting away pounds and learning to eat correctly, while enjoying their food choices. No more confusion around low carb, low fat, salt is bad, salt is good, low protein, high protein, blah blah.
Get your questions answered.
Each package will include a comprehensive food journal review with small step weekly recommendations, making change easy for you. You will also receive the Garage Gym Grocery list making grocery shopping a breeze.
Find out how one of our clients LOST 10.8 LBS IN THEIR FIRST WEEK AT GARAGE GYM and how others have melted up to 1/2 of their total Bodyfat.
I cant believe Im offering this package for this price.
The best part is....I like contests. I like hearing peoples success stories, and success makes my clients happy and happy clients tell other people about their success.
I will be providing this package absolutely free to the person who loses the highest percent of bodyweight. NOT the most weight, but the highest percentage of bodyweight.
A $300 value.
The price for the first 6 people to sign up, and only 6 people....
is an easy monthly payment of $75 for 3 months. Total package price is $225.
And thats not all...
Submit a lump sum payment of $200 and I will waive the remaining $25.
Are you looking to buy a family member or maybe yourself an awesome gift?
This is it.
This offering will sell out very fast.
Hesitation is the number one reason for failure. Act now.
Are you ready to learn my secrets and lose the weight you've been trying to lose for years?
Lets do this.
Thank for your attention An offer and my gift to YOU entering the New Year.....
my blog An offer and my gift to YOU entering the New Year....., Have a nice day.
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