IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Do you meet either of these exemptions?
Title : Do you meet either of these exemptions?
Do you meet either of these exemptions?
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ...As this amazing summer progresses there are certain sports/activities that come to an end.
Crossfit, boilermaker, triathlon, and summer camps. These seasons/events have ended for now.
What does that mean?
Its time to re-assess how your prior season went.
Did you improve from last year? How many times did you get injured?
How motivated were you to train each day?
These are questions that need to be asked in order to improve long-term within a sport or activity.
Its time to go back to the drawing board at the end of a season.
Determine what went right, and what needs improvement.
I know for me personally I have a list of 2012/2013 goals I want to accomplish and a specific plan to achieve those goals.
Its a great feeling to have a plan.
And by plan I do not mean, "go to the gym"
We all know how well that works.
I mean a plan that lays out specialized workouts for ME, individually designed around my goals and abilities.
There is nothing better than smashing your old records and seeing continual improvement. Isn't this what motivates us?
I wake up everyday excited to see who is going to achieve another "personal best".
Watching a 45 year old female achieve her first strict chin up, nothing brings a smile to my face more than that.
I write over 70 individualized programs per week. I feel its a dis-service to clients and myself as a trainer if I get "comfortable" and write one workout a day on the board and call that fitness.
That's called lazy. We understand EVERYONE is different and that needs to be reflected in their program.
Just last week we had a local practitioner jump on board with us as a private client.
His specific words after his assessment were..
"Some of the lifts that he had me do were new to me so they felt awkward and I was not very proficient. Other lifts that he had me do I had been doing for 25 years. The only problem is that I had been doing them wrong for 25 years! This was a shock to me and very humbling too. At the same time I was very grateful that finally after 25 years someone pointed out my errors!"
The above statement shows the importance of having a health and fitness mentor.
As an athlete I would not do half of the things my coach makes me do if I was training myself
Because it is uncomfortable.
The challenge of completing a difficult workout/event produces a feeling like no other.
Its euphoric.
This leads to growth.
At Garage Gym we offer numerous programs that are designed to 100% make you succeed.
The only catch is if you meet either of the below qualifications then you probably wont need our services.
1) You are too strong and fast
2) You know everything there is to know about health and fitness.
For everyone else...
One service I want to highlight that our clients find extremely rewarding.
1) Platinum Progression Package. This package is designed for those that are looking to follow a tapered program that leads to them working out on their own with just the email guidance of a trainer over the course of a year. The first 3 months are intensive, as there is a lot to learn and practice. Months 3-6 clients are slowly transitioning to training 50% on their own and 50% with a trainer. Months 6-9 they are meeting with a trainer only once a week for checkups and accountability while following a structured program away from the gym. Months 9-12 they meet with a trainer every 6 weeks to review new movements, progress and have any questions answered while following a program at their own facility.
To our surprise many clients who have chosen this package end up not wanting to reduce their package as they progress as they enjoy working side by side with their trainer. Either way its a win win.
When you decide you are ready to make the leap, into accomplishing new health and fitness levels, contact us! or call me personally to setup your personal consultation. 315-404-1128
There is no better time than now! Our facility is undergoing a massive expansion in 6 weeks and numerous time slots that were not available for over a year will now be available!! My goal is to exceed ALL of your expectations! Spots are limited. I could easily fill our available expansion spots with just one email. Do not hesitate!
Train, live, learn
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my blog Do you meet either of these exemptions?, Have a nice day.
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