Title : Mind at Ease
Mind at Ease
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... As I progress in life as a fitness coach, educator, mentor and life coach, I'm learning some interesting "life notes" along the way. A topic I've recently been experimenting with in my personal life is "mind at ease." A large majority of everyday stress comes from our mind constantly thinking and running, never at ease. With this, comes constant thought process, stress and worries over nothing we can immediately fix. Our mind is racing with future or past thoughts and ideas. This is healthy in some cases, but in most it’s a burden to the body as it is continually overwhelmed. In the past 4 weeks I've attempted to become as "aware" as I can be and determine what activities free up my mind and have me focus entirely on the present moment. For me those activities are: Fly-Fishing, coaching, walking in the woods and working out. This is not as easy task for a variety of reasons. First, you have to understand what creates a present mind state. Second, you have to notice when that moment occurred (the moment of not thinking of anything but the present.) This is generally realized after the activity is complete. For example, after fly fishing at a local stream and driving home, I realized that for those 4 hours, I never thought of the things that need to get done at work, the chores at home, finances, etc. My mind was free. In this upcoming, week attempt to become aware and notice those activities that "free your mind," and no, drugs and alcohol do not count. When this happens and you become aware of them, your body naturally starts wanting more and more of that moment (because it’s healthy for your mind to be free.) Take a mental note and continually work towards truly living in the present. It’s not easy, but no doubt worth your effort. Following a structured fitness program is scheduled time for your mind to be free. Not enough people have that time blocked off for themselves each week. Not only do you reap the rewards of a balanced fitness program but also you are not consumed with constant thought. Garage Gym just recently designed and has implemented 6 BRAND NEW programs for our entire community. Whether you are looking to increase your strength or conditioning levels, improve body composition or looking for someone to set fitness/nutrition/life goals for you, we are ready to speak with you.IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ...
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