Performance Board

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Performance Board
Title : Performance Board

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Performance Board

IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... In todays society we often hear others talking about what it means to be "in shape". At Garage Gym we have our performance standards which we feel clients should work towards improving or maintaining a sufficient capacity, based on goals, abilities, training age, and age. We find this important with progressing our clients to higher levels of fitness and health. This board is designed to create awareness around oneself and their personal abilities. It allows clients to stay focused on specific lifts/events, if that is what they find motivating. Others may look at fitness as becoming balanced, flexible and happy, which has powerful meaning to it also.

We are hanging a 4x8 sheet of blackboard at GG which will have current gym records and accomplishments.

It will be divided into a few different categories
1) Male/female
2) 18-40
3) 40+

This will get some of you thinking in terms of performance and some personal goals along with an awareness of what others are doing around you. This is a basic outline of what GG considers important lifts/events in determining balanced fitness which we all know is a major factor in overall health.

The following are categories for 18-40

1 mile run
5 k run

500m row
2000m row
5000m row

300 FY on airdyne

Back squat 1RM
Deadlift 1 RM
Close grip BP 1 RM
Max pull ups/chin ups
Weighted chinup 1RM
Front squat 1RM
Snatch 1RM
Clean and jerk 1 RM
Overhead squat 1RM
Muscle up club
Max Double unders in 10 min
Tabata sit ups low score
Split squat 3010 8 reps

60 sec row avg watts
60 sec airdyne max cals

Standing triple jump max distance
Two hand overhead throw 15# rock, max distance

I have 4 lactate capacity tests and 3 aerobic tests that will be revealed shortly and you will be able to complete them as you progress to see improvement

ages 40+

Sorenson test, max time
Max push ups
Side bridge max time
Tabata sit ups low score
Chin ups max
Dips body weight max

500m row
2000m row
5000m run

30 push up burpees for time

Dead lift 3 rep max
Standing shoulder press 3 rep max
Bench Press 3 rep max
split squat 8 reps max

Come join the fun at GG, watch your performance increase each week and reach new heights within fitness and overall health, you never thought possible.


Thank for your attention Performance Board

my blog Performance Board, Have a nice day.

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