Performance Board/Challenges...completed

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Performance Board/Challenges...completed
Title : Performance Board/Challenges...completed

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Performance Board/Challenges...completed


Moving into 2012 I figured would be a great time to put together a list of what I consider important exercises and movements critical to balanced health. I have also put together a list of challenges that will let our clients work towards achieving and over time improving on. This is extremely exciting to me as training with no goals/objectives I feel has its downfalls with most people since the focus isn't on anything specific. The list below are movements that will be posted at the gym and specific percentages with other lifts will be based on your 1 rep max back squat will be accompanied by that.
ie: 1 rep max back squat = 100lbs
your deadlift should be 125
close grip bench press 65 lb
and all 3 scapular raises 8 reps at 6-7 lb etc...

Also the challenges I have set are challenging...some may find it hard to imagine completing such a task but that's why they exist...its a goal, something to chase. Over the next year I will be highlighting a client of the month that have hit specific accomplishments important to their individual goals/plan. With that being said the below exercises and challenges will be based on a clients training age and experience but most importantly their priorities. Ie: Pelvic imbalances, cortisol issues, nutrition fueling issues, body composition, flexibility etc are all categories that WILL BE addressed before clients step up to the bar to lift a 1 rep max on a back squat. AND this will take time for some to establish a baseline in order to complete some of these lifts/challenges....BUT this is the journey and the path needed to achieve balanced health, one thing that's guaranteed though, you will be tested numerous other way showing your progression and improvement. Embrace the challenges and support your fellow athlete/client.

Male/Female 18-40 Exercises/Events

1 rep max lifts
back squat
close grip bench press
weighted chinup
front squat
clean and jerk
Overhead squat
Split squat 8 rep max at 3010

1 mile run
5k run

60 sec avg watts
500m row
2k row
5k row

60 sec max cals
10 min max cals

Muscle ups
Double unders max in 10 min
Tabata situps x 8
max pullups

Standing triple jump max distance
Overhead shot throw max distance 16# male, 8# female

Male/female 40+
Max time/reps
Sorenson test
side bridge

3 rep max:
Close grip bench press
Strict overhead press

Split squat 8 rep at 3010

500m row
2k row

1 mile run
5k run

Tabata situps x 8

The below are energy system workouts.
Specific energy systems will be tested only when Coach determines you've got your "stuff" in order, sleep, stress levels, food etc..
Training to just breath hard with no direction is called lower order training and we have nothing to do with that here.

Male/Female 18-40

For time:
Row 250m
15 burpees
25 kettlebell swings 70#/35#
15 burpees
Row 250m

Max reps
1 min burpees
2 min Kettlebell swings 70#/35#
3 min double unders

For time
Run 400m
20 clean and jerk 95#/65#
Run 400m

For time
3 rounds
30 unbroken wallballs 20# /20 wallballs 12#
20 unbroken pullups /10 pullups

For time:
Run 1 mile
5 rounds:
5 pullups
10 pushups
15 airsquats
Row 1500m

25 min AMRAP
Row 400m
Deadlift 135#/85# x 10
Burpees over the bar x 8

For time
5 rounds
Row 500m
10 burpees
Run 500m
10 Kettlebell swings 70#/35#

60 min row max distance

60 min run max distance

Male/Female 40+

30 burpees for time

For time:
5 rounds
Row 500m
10 airsquats
15 situps

AMRAP in 12 min
8 Deadlift 95/65
2/1 Chinup
3/2 Burpees
10 Walking lunges
Row 250m

total reps:
In 2 min:
Run 200m
AMRAP Goblet squats 25/10#
Rest 12 min
In 2 min:
Row 200m
AMRAP burpees

In 3 min
Row 20 cals
AMRAP single unders/Double unders


Thank for your attention Performance Board/Challenges...completed

my blog Performance Board/Challenges...completed, Have a nice day.

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