Balance- and its importance..

Balance- and its importance.. - Hallo gues welcome to my blog, you can read this article with title Balance- and its importance.., Happy reading

IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Balance- and its importance..
Title : Balance- and its importance..

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    Balance- and its importance..


    The hardest working muscle is the heart. It pumps out 2 ounces (71 grams) of blood at every heartbeat. Daily the heart pumps at least 2,500 gallons (9,450 liters) of blood. The heart has the ability to beat over 3 billion times in a person’s life.
    Isnt this one muscle you want strong and healthy?

    Moving into this new year I am on a mission to create balanced healthy individuals within the sport of fitness and educate them on what exactly that means. balanced %'s with running, rowing, weightlifting, mind, body and spirit. I have been hard at work coming up with what I call a balance sheet for your rowing and running times. Ie: Your 500m row is 1:35, your 2k based on being balanced should be 7:40 etc.. The final touches are being put on those formulas currently. The weightlifting numbers are done, courtesy of my coach and will be revealed to clients soon. Ie: 1 rep max back squat is 100lb, your deadlift should be 125lbs.
    I am in the process of designing 3 anaerobic testers and 3 aerobic testers for all 4 groups at GG. Male 18-40, male 40+, female 18-40, female 40+.
    The importance behind this is to establish benchmarks with clients.
    Ie: ANG tester for a male 18-40
    max reps
    1 min of burpees
    2 min of kettlebell swings at 70#
    3 min of double unders.

    Client X completed 140 reps last year at this time and they just re-tested at 165 reps one year later... Improvement? The numbers prove themselves.

    This will also make training "fun". This gives a clear vision on proper energy system testing, balance and progression. Without that, you are training with no purpose and just crushing 10 min AMRAPS with no goal in mind.

    Creating balance with your training percentages, mind and spirit gives us the tools to do anything we want in this life. (Big picture stuff). Staying dedicated to a training program, eating clean and setting goals all leads to larger avenues. If You cant take care of yourself, I would argue that you are not at full potential in other areas of your life. (job, home life, etc)

    Congrats to all my fellow competitors who crushed the Construction Series #2 this past weekend, great events, a true test.

    Garage Gym wants to congratulate Erik Q for hitting a 70lb weighted chinup at a bodyweight of 165. 5 months ago Erik completed 3 pullups with his BWT. Improvement?

    I recieved an email from Erik a few weeks ago letting me know when his board exams where for his medical profession and he was concerned about missing workouts and let me know when he could make up his workouts. Erik is a classic example of a client who is dedicated, even when stuff gets busy and crazy in his life. He works a full-time job, studys for this boards and trains 4x a week while eating healthy. No excuses.

    I want to recognize a few clients on last weeks success'
    1) My Dad- completing 6 pullups in 3 min. 2 months ago = 0 pullups
    2) My Mom for hitting a tabata situp (4 set) low score of 9, excellent
    3) David has been with me since feb and has decided to double his training sessions at GG to take his results and training to another level.
    4) Want to welcome Randy I to our community, young guy, great attitude, huge potential.
    5) Justin B and Jess- Growth, weekly...awesome
    6) Alex, Matt, John, Russ, Ben, Erik, Anthony...a small number of my underground firebreathers...keep killing it in your training caves...your hard work will pay off Jan 21st.

    We are down to 3 private training slots available.
    Schedule your consultation TODAY!!!


    Thank for your attention Balance- and its importance..

    my blog Balance- and its importance.., Have a nice day.

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