DO NOT PASS THIS UP - Hallo gues welcome to my blog, you can read this article with title DO NOT PASS THIS UP, Happy reading


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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... The New Year is approaching and we all know what that means?

Everyone will be setting new and improved health and fitness goals!

And 90% of you will not make it past the end of Febuary at your current gym.

Frustrated, dissappointed, and confused.

We all know this is true,this is why Garage Gym is extending its hand out to all of you.

If you are not putting your health and well-being as a priority then this email/post probably will not be for you.

Garage Gym is accepting 6 new private clients for the month of December, thats it!

Keep reading how you can become one of those 6 lucky clients that have an opportunity to never look back on your current health and fitness levels.

Why have we grown at a rapid pace since opening?

1) Client experience and the knowledge they take home with them that will last them a lifetime.

2) Relationship with GG- EVERYONE needs accountabilty, goals and structure in order to improve their health and fitness levels. I have a coach that I work with on a weekly basis helping me become better and he has a coach helping him become better...its what it takes to self improve and keep progressing. When you are not improving, you are frustrated and we all know what happens when frustration sets motivation.

3) RESULTS - Ask any one of our clients what they enjoy most here at GG (I'll personally give you contacts to reach out to). You will hear them say that their strength levels have increased, they have a solid understanding of what to do at the gym when they are not at GG, they don't question themselves on what is "right" or "wrong" to eat, they just know what needs to be done. There is no guessing here at GG, every client is held accountable and re-assessment results speak for themselves.

We are accepting 6 new private clients for the month of December that will work exclusively with me, 1-1. I personally guarantee your success. Is this a 30-60 day cookie cutter program? Nope, this is reality and the reality is it takes time to make change and develop habits.

There are 2 kinds of people

1) Ready to stop talking and get to work transforming yourself into the healthy strong individual you've always wanted to be

2) Your still filled with fear, doubt and excuses.

I can only help those that are willing to help themselves. We want courageous clients. The definition of courageous is "doing the thing even though you feel the fear".
We are looking for those people.

You have a choice this upcoming year, a choice to make 2012 a year that you accomplished and exceeded all your health and fitness goals.

Separate yourself from those stuck in a rut, complaining about never seeing results even though they are at the gym 7 days a week on the same treadmill, confused and beat up over why they gain 10 lbs a year and they "worked out" 360 days out of the year and ate a low fat diet.

Our referral program has given NUMEROUS clients free months of PRIVATE TRAINING. Our referral program is built on the notion that I want our current clients to get results for as cheap as possible, while I build my business into an empire that pumps out success stories.

We are currently working on a new client package that will include the following EXCLUSIVELY for GG clients.
Oil Change Discounts
Organic meat, eggs and vegetables discount
Barber and Salon discounts
Massage discounts
Discounted yoga classes
Fitness store discounts

Thats right, not only are you seeing great results, becoming knowledgable about what "works" and are getting all my secrets that will stay with you for a lifetime, you are saving on numerous other services that we all know add up over time.

One final time...this email/post is reaching out to hundreds of Garage Gym Friends...we are ONLY accepting 6 new clients for December.
We are quickly approaching our limit with what we can handle for a client base. You DO NOT want to be on a waiting list.

Its impossible for me to say when there will be additional slots opening up.

Become a success story. Become a Garage Gym Exclusive Private Client.

No more guessing.

No more confusion.

Only results.




Thank for your attention DO NOT PASS THIS UP

my blog DO NOT PASS THIS UP, Have a nice day.

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