IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : The power of positive thinking
Title : The power of positive thinking
The power of positive thinking
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... The mind is a powerful tool. One that will make or break you. Everyone has two sides to which they think. The one side is the negative, "life is sucky", "it only happens to me", side and then there is the "I will succeed, I am great at what I do". The negative thinkers are generally people who start alot of "new" things but fail soon thereafter. Whether its a diet, workout plan etc. They have it ingrained in their head that they will probably fail before they even start. They give it a shot and bam....they fail. Why? Thats all they thought of the entire time, failing. So many people in life get tied up with feeling sorry for themselves when all they have to do is simply stop thinking negatively all the time. We are BORN to be successful. We dont come out of the womb as losers, our atmosphere, our upbringing, our social sphere of influence are generally the ones who determine the kind of thinker you are. If you surround yourself with negative, lower order thinkers, surprise, you wont be too far behind them yourself.4 years ago I had a phone discussion with my coach James Fitzgerald and within the first few minutes he stopped me and said you are such a negative person. Everything you have said is negative. Guess what? That stopped me right in my tracks and holy shit, he was right. You CAN NOT be successful in anything in life if you are negative. From that day forward I have put all my energies towards positive events and positive people. I leave those energy suckers out of my life. If you think this days going to suck or your situation is because of this or that. Guess what? Today's a new day. You will suffer everyday living in the past and with your prior mistakes. Its a new day to set a goal and a plan towards becoming happy and successful. Whats the definition of success? Living a life that supports all your dreams. Not necessarily having alot of money, not living in a mansion, its about building a life for yourself that makes YOU HAPPY.
Start each day thinking about something positive, work throughout the day to silence the negative voices, learn to smile more and go to bed with a clear head and a few positive thoughts, you will be surprised where this takes you....
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my blog The power of positive thinking, Have a nice day.
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