February Client of the Month

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : February Client of the Month
Title : February Client of the Month

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    February Client of the Month


    Garage Gym is proud to award David Isserman the February Client of the month

    David started training at Garage Gym 13 months ago. He is a senior at Clinton Highschool and is extremely active in extracurricular activites such as cross country running, senior one acts and busy taking college classes at Hamilton. David initally started with Garage Gym wanting 3-4 private sessions to "learn" more about fitness and proper exercises. 13 months later here we stand. During Davids inital assessment he performed 2 airsquats, 0 walking lunges, 10 sec side bridge from his knees, 2 situps, and was unable to hang from a pullup bar. Today these are a few of his stats.
    - Lost 15 lbs
    - Just today performed 45 airsquats while holding a 35lb kettlebell at chest height
    - 60 walking lunges in 1 session
    - :50 sec side bridge from his knees
    - 3 sets of 20 situps within 1 session
    - 188 calories burned on the 10 min airdyne test (currently 2nd place record at garage gym)
    - Performs bodyweight ring rows 25+ in a session
    - Able to complete 15 reps per leg doing a Russian Step holding 15lb DB's

    David is true example of what dedication and committment means when chasing a goal. David RARELY misses a session, always on time and ready to workout when he steps in the door and is continuing to see improvement on a weekly basis.

    Congrats to David and his continued hard work!!


    Thank for your attention February Client of the Month

    my blog February Client of the Month, Have a nice day.

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