IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Wanting versus Doing
Title : Wanting versus Doing
Wanting versus Doing
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ...What is your definition of healthy?.................................
Most everyone WANTS something. Materialistic items, to be skinnier, more money etc...
Very few people that I meet HAVE A PLAN to accomplish what they want.
I speak with numerous people on a daily basis and this topic comes up. I want this or I wish I had that...
My response is...what is your plan on getting there?
I get looks of confusion.
Unfortunately in today's society we are conditioned to wait for things to be handed to us
Mom and Dad buy Johnny his new video game because he wants it
16 yo has her first car bought for her and insurance paid
Fast food meals, all we have to do for is pay
Weight loss pills
Microwaveable meals
The list goes on and on.
Over time this line of thinking translates to how we view our physical health and personal life.
Weight keeps going up, you dislike your job more each day, joints starting aching more, and your credit card debt increases.
And we wait....
We would like to feel better
We wish we had a better job
We play the lotto
There is no easy way. Anyone successful in any field will always tell you the path was tough. It wasn't easy.
I recently read an article about a world champ Tetris player
My coach's brother, OPT , posted this article and brought it to my attention.
Within it this individual speaks of his passion. Tetris and playing/mastering video games
He lists a few key points that translate to anyone looking to improve, accomplish a task etc.
I wanted to highlight 2 of them
1) Practice makes perfect. I tell clients it takes 5-8 weeks to make a new "change" a habit. The more you integrate the positive changes the easier they become over time. I give clients specific lifestyle prescriptions along with training and nutrition programs. The more you attack these with consistency the faster they become the new "you".
2) Ignore the critics- Generally anyone who is downplaying your effort or the changes you are trying to implement are what I call "arm chair quarterbacks" They criticize a play on the field without truly having been in the play. Ignore those around you trying to bring you down to their level. When the idea of building my Facility in my backyard came up, I was told that my location was poor, and its safer to stay where I was (a job that was leading to no where). Today most of you know how that ended up for us. :)
To summarize, do not wait for an opportunity, chase one down and pounce on it. It may try to get up and run away again, but keep chasing because without that chase you are stagnant and in nature if an object is stagnate too long it decomposes.
Wake up everyday with a plan, and enjoy the ride.
A coach whether for training, nutrition and/or lifestyle can provide that structure and accountability needed for you to succeed.
Live, Learn, Train
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my blog Wanting versus Doing, Have a nice day.
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