Small steps

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Small steps
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    Small steps


    A diamond in the rough, Bristol VT falls

    Small Steps
    As one progresses through life as an athlete and a person, they have 2 choices. Either improve (growth, transcendence, awareness/noticing) or become stagnant (no goals, no motivation, only functioning in the automatic mind state). Our clients at Garage Gym will frequently hear me say, "if you aren't improving, you are going backwards." In nature a plant/animal is continually growing and evolving. Trees get bigger, deer grow mature habits (or die), plant’s cycle with seasonal growth. BUT NOTHING IN NATURE IS STAGNANT. It’s continually evolving. As human beings we are sometimes allowed to become stagnant. The goal is to continually improve in SMALL STEPS. Whether you are starting a new fitness program/way of eating/or learning to play an instrument. You have to take small steps. These steps can include….
    - Squatting to a 20 inch box down to a 19 inch box with perfect form
    - Increasing your dead lift 10lbs
    - Getting 1 hour extra sleep per night of sleep
    - Taking your supplements on a daily basis
    - Discovering a new stretch that helps you move more efficiently.
    - Increasing your positive self talk; "I am great and going to succeed"
    - Reading and learning more in your topic of interest
    - Achieving your first ever chin up
    - Completing pushups to a 5 inch target versus a 6 inch target
    All of these are examples of growth.
    As you move throughout the day, ask yourself, "What I am doing at this current moment? Is this helping me grow as a person, or am I moving backwards?”
    To ensure success and continual motivation, celebrate the small steps. I personally do this EVERY training session. I do not walk away from any session, whether it’s a good one or bad, without learning something. My newest discovery is that the tightness in my calves has led to less than stellar running form/jumping ability. I spent 10 min per day for 2 weeks fixing that, and have increased my running times and jumping distances. Small step in the right direction? Yes. Did I win the Olympics ? No.
    It’s a small step, a step forward. Moving on, I want everyone to focus on the small victories. Each day celebrate them (either mentally or discuss it with someone who cares and is supportive). Smile inside and understand, that you are growing, just like nature intended.


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