Garage Gym: Must Read Opportunity!

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Garage Gym: Must Read Opportunity!
Title : Garage Gym: Must Read Opportunity!

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Garage Gym: Must Read Opportunity!


La Jolla CA

Garage Gym has had an overwhelming demand to open a weekly female group class and we are proud to announce that the time has come!
Participants will be meeting every Saturday morning for a 1 hour action packed class instructed by Lisa Coleman.
Lisa works with numerous private clients here at Garage Gym and has over 10 years of group class instruction at Hamilton College.
Classes will include:
- 1 hour sweat packed workout
- Nutritional advice
- Lifestyle advice
- Instruction on scaling exercise movements to each individual
- Important stretches geared towards improving functional movement
This is your opportunity to get involved with a large growing community and meet others who are looking to improve their health and fitness levels. Joining Garage Gym opens endless new avenues for you to expand your knowledge base within the mind, body, and soul.
We will be announcing some huge programs that will only be opened exclusively to Garage Gym clients initially, giving you the ability to reserve your spot FIRST!
Garage Gym is known for its limited spots of availability due to the quality and attention each client recieves, so the time is now.
The downfall:
We only have 6 spots available and we will fill these slots on a first come first serve basis.
Imagine 1 class per week that has the abililty to change your entire physical potential.
These workouts will be designed so you can repeat them on your own for added benefit and with the combination of nutrition and lifestyle nuggets you have one unbeatable experience.
You have 2 options to reserve your spot.
1) Call 315-404-1128 and leave your contact information
2) Respond to this email.
I look forward to seeing 6 new faces on Saturday mornings sweating and smiling.
P.S. If you are looking for a program that we do not offer or are interested in another one of our current programs please let us know, I personally look forward to guiding you on your path to optimum health. 


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my blog Garage Gym: Must Read Opportunity!, Have a nice day.

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