A better person = A better world

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : A better person = A better world
Title : A better person = A better world

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    A better person = A better world


    Periodically I find myself asking, "what would make this world a better place?" Why am I on this earth? What is my purpose? I continually come up with the same answer. That is to leave the smallest footprint on this earth, live with nature and in the present and help those willing to help themselves become healthier through my job as Owner of Garage Gym, educating clients with writings on my blog, and discussion with people I come into contact with. With that said that leads me into my main topic.

    A better person = A better world

    Recently Ive had discussions with a few people (Mike B and others) in my community and had a few new experiences that has opened my eyes to some large ideas and thoughts.

    I dont watch the news- rarely watch TV- but I normally cant have the news on for more than 5min at a time every 3-4 days. I figure if something really important is going on, someone will call me. Its the same story everyday. Gas is up, groceries are more money, politic fraud, crime increases blah blah, that means nothing to me. The government is always coming up with these glorious short term fixes that will make everything better, and people believe it, continually.

    If you are looking to make this world a better place (and you should be, if your not, then man up)
    Whats that mean? Well if you look at the problems our government and society has had for numerous years, it all stems from greed, ego, depression and insecurity. EVERYTHING. Some may argue and thats ok. You will not find one problem that doesnt fit into any one of those categories.

    How in the world does FITNESS solve those problems?

    I am finding through experience, discussions, and client feedback that they are happier, self esteem rises, more productive, and enjoys sense of accomplishment to name a few. How does that relate to real world problems?
    -A happier person is MUCH less likely to committ a crime
    -A productive person is MUCH more likely to get off the couch and find a job
    -Internal Confidence silences the ego which means you are less likely to try and "prove" yourself through materialistic things (such as a house you cant afford = burden to society because now you have foreclosed on your house).
    -A healthier person is not contributing to soaring health care costs.
    - A person that understands how to live in the present, live with nature and leave a small footprint doesnt contribute to ruining this earth (hydrofracking, drilling for oil, littering etc)
    -A structured person is more likely to be a better employee
    -A confident person is more likely to be a better employee
    -Better employees lead to a better work place = more profit = better economy (then everyones happy)
    - Parents that are healthy are better parents. They get off the couch, and actually PLAY with their kids, having meaningful conversations and educate them to follow the right path in life.
    - Exercise forces you to become present- ask any of my clients- their minds are clear during a workout.
    -Learning to eat right CAN assist in reducing depression which is now affecting 1/3 of our population.
    -Small things in life start to mean more to those that become comfortable stepping outside their comfort zone. Example: Competing in your first race and coming home to your warm shower. Or eating a "cheat meal" after a day of hard training- that food taste damn good huh?

    If you find yourself asking- how can I make this world a better place?
    Take care of yourself, continue to improve, educate along the way, and always have your hand out to help those looking to do the same, trust me...we will all benefit.


    Thank for your attention A better person = A better world

    my blog A better person = A better world, Have a nice day.

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