Garage Gym Games Results

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Garage Gym Games Results
Title : Garage Gym Games Results

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Garage Gym Games Results


265 x 2

1st- Mike B 29 points
2nd- Ben Q 28 points
3rd- Russ S 21 points
4th- Geoff 17 points
5th- Brendan 13 points
John B- results to be determined Monday

Female: 1st- Jess
This event was an example of true effort, and grit. Our athletes completed 3 workouts in 6 hours, all of which were a solid test of fitness.
I just wanted to post some of the amazing numbers that were put up by our athletes, because its truely inspiration what dedication, and heart can do. There were so many personal records set.

Thruster 3 RM Mike B 225
Geoff 185
Ben 175
Russ 145
Bren 125
Jess 65

Power clean 2 RM
Mike B 265
Geoff 225
Ben 185
Russ 170
Bren 165
Jess 75

Pullups max Ben 32
Mike B 25
Bren 25
Russ 14
Geoff 7
Jess 5

1 Mile run times
Ben 5:37
Russ 5:51
Bren 6:37
Mike 7:24
Geoff 7:47
Jess 7:49
All 6 athletes sub 8 min!

We complete very little running in our training but yet our athletes can run, and run fast.

Workout 3 was scored as the following
Mike- 8 + 315
Ben- 8 + 41
Russ- 7 + 315
Geoff- 7 + 54
Jess- 7 + 30
Bren 6 + 155
Pics and vids coming shortly...
I am proud of everyone. Rest up, see you all Monday.
Next Garage Gym Games to be determined.


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my blog Garage Gym Games Results, Have a nice day.

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