IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Sample Workout #2
Title : Sample Workout #2
Sample Workout #2
Navy Seals in training...
The following workout below is for a client who has a training age of less than 1 year, who has lower body weakness, particularly posterior chain and would like to improve their core strength and enjoys breathing heavy sometimes...Long term goal is to follow a strength and conditioning program that allows them to stay active and strong and has no interest in crossfit or competing at any level.
A1 Deadlift 3010 10-12 x 3 (rest 30 sec)
A2 Back extension 3010 10-12 x 3 (rest 1 min)
B Russian Barbell stepups 18 inch box 12/leg x 3 (rest 1 min)
C Straight leg unancored situps 15 x 3 (rest 1 min)
Airdyne sprints 10 sec fast
ride easy 2:00 x 3
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my blog Sample Workout #2, Have a nice day.
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