Why most diets fail...

Why most diets fail... - Hallo gues welcome to my blog, you can read this article with title Why most diets fail..., Happy reading

IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Why most diets fail...
Title : Why most diets fail...

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Why most diets fail...


So in discussion with our client base at GG and others connected to our community its been requested to continue writing on a variety of topics in regards to nutrition, training and learning to life correctly. We had a huge week last week at Garage Gym with an influx of new clients setting up consultations and assessments. I want to welcome those of you who are joining us on a path to success. Your results will just be started in those first 3 months, basics built and an understanding to structure and commitment. At 6 months, movements, eating patterns and adapting your lifestyle to make it conducive to a successful you will start to settle in. At one year you will look back at the transformation, and the numerous ways your life has changed. We offer no cookie cutter short fixes at GG but we offer an education and knowledge base to all our clients that will follow them the rest of their lives no matter the direction they choose. Those that are truly committed and prioritize their health will see the outward effects that it has on everything around them.

With that said...let me start digging into the topic mentioned above.

So most of you have probably tried a diet at least once in your lives. Jenny craig, waist watchers and hundreds of others... Maybe not. And I would assume most of you may have had success with your diet....temporarily...maybe permanently or maybe 6 months to a year but some how the weight started creeping back on. So in today's society its understood that exercise and eating less is the way to staying healthy. Another thought we see on the news is the importance of eating a low fat diet because fat clogs arteries and fat makes you fat....yucky.

Well lets clear up a few things for you. Most diets restrict calories because its believed that calories in equals calories out so if we cut calories, eat less and sign up for a gym membership then we will lose weight and look great naked . Lets look farther into the "diet" and maybe even a "low fat diet". So if calories are restricted its almost certain the carbohydrates will be cut, drastically in some cases. No more soda, sugar, breads, etc...and low fat too remember. The dieter is not losing weight due to WHAT they are eating but due to what they are NOT eating. We start eating less to cut calories which should equal weight loss. Remember most of what we are cutting is carbohydrates, especially liquid carbs, soda, fruit juice, beer etc because that's the easiest to cut out. So would it be possible to eat the SAME amount of calories, but simply restrict carbohydrate intake and still lose weight? YUP, we see it all the time. Do you know why? Because your insulin levels are stable due to the carb restriction and you aren't packing on the pounds because of all the insulin in your blood stream. So if you eat less calories particularly fat and protein {which have no long term effect on fat accumulation} and start exercising will you lose weight? Maybe...but guess what...at some point you will need to start eating more, because you will be starved of energy due to the restricted amount of protein and fat in your diet and then you will start eating again, and your fat cells will start recouping the fat they have lost during the diet. During your diet your body will be semi starved which leads the fat cells to start looking for any food they can find to replenish the fat they are losing and your muscles will be doing the same thing, looking for food to repair muscles and your body will be affected by a lose of energy and now exercise is really hard because YOU HAVE NO ENERGY.

So you are eating a calorie restricted diet, low in fat (most likely protein too) , you are hungry and the time your spend at the gym is tough because you have no energy and you aren't losing weight. Damn....that's not cool.

The point is...calories in doesn't equal calories out, low fat diets don't work if carbohydrate intake stays the same, reducing fat and protein in a diet only leads to lack of energy not permanent weight loss, starting an exercise regimen only and not fixing the types of carbs you eat will not prove to be successful long term, cheating only 1 or 2 days out of the week with high carb intake will hinder, if not backfire on you because your insulin and fat cells are going to have a party as soon as that happens...

I know this may be a lot to take in for some of you. But its reality, its what works, its science and the newest research by the smartest people.

You want to lose weight and keep it off.....

balance your insulin levels permanently (how that happens is different for everyone), be patient, exercise correctly for your type...and eat a balanced portion of fat and protein.

This is the basics people, its a start...hopefully some of you will run with this info and never look back!


Thank for your attention Why most diets fail...

my blog Why most diets fail..., Have a nice day.

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