General Health/Elite Athlete/Maintenance

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : General Health/Elite Athlete/Maintenance
Title : General Health/Elite Athlete/Maintenance

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General Health/Elite Athlete/Maintenance

IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... All people fall into 1 of 3 categories with training. Are you training for elite performance (getting paid for performing), are you looking to become healthier through training following a training program centered around optimizing your personal potential, or are you going to the gym as a hobby (aka visit, look in the mirror, have no idea what you are doing). The tricky part of all this is the grey area between elite performance and training to optimize your true potential. How do we train an athlete to perform at his utmost potential while keeping them healthy? This differs for everyone based on numerous factors. Training age, number of hours worked per week, number of hours dedicated to training, diet, goals.
For example:
45 year old male:
Works 55 hours a week
2 kids
Sleeps 7 hours a night
Sub par with nutrition.


21 year old male
attends college
no kids
sleeps 9 hours a night
his food is dialed in

Both individuals are training for the same purpose, become the best they can be, while maintaining great health but how you go about that is completely different for both people.

Individual #1 may be following a strength training ONLY program 2-3x per week due to high cortisol levels and sub par nutrition. A large percentage of this clients "plan" would be nutrition and lifestyle coaching along with a strength training program centered on their weaknesses and priorities.

Individual #2 may be completing 2 strength training workouts per week, 2 engery system workouts and 1 skill based session. This individual has more time to train, recovers faster, eats properly and sleeps properly enabling proper recovery. Their stress levels are much lower as their biggest concern is eating and debating which girl to chase next.

Both these individuals are looking to optimize their training abilities but their programming and methods chosen are drastically different.

Elite athletes are athletes that get paid for competing in a sport. Its their life. They wake up, eat, train, play video games with friends, eat, train, run an errand, train, eat and sleep (and repeat) I know your thinking to yourself that , geez Im elite, Im a crossfitter or a marathoner. Wake up call, your an average person who enjoys fitness but has to work for a living, going to a job that is not paying you to compete. So then the next question that needs to pop into your head is....why am I training so hard and is this healthy long term?
A large number of elite athletes are not healthy (Id agrue most) as their training is unreal, and if you notice most stop competing once they hit their early 30's. Why? Their bodies are done.

An example of a professional triathlete daily workout

AM- 4 hour bike ride through hilly terrain
Early PM- 1 hour 20 min of hill repeats
Later PM- 3 miles of technique oriented swimming.

Total= 4 hours on bike, 1 hour 20 min running hills and 3 miles of swimming. This is one day.

So the question we come back to frequently is... is my training program condusive to long term health, my priorities, and goals?

This is where I'd argue 100% of people NEED an individual based training and nutrition program. This does not mean that group class will not improve your fitness, they can. BUT the programming needs to be appropriate for the group and the template needs to be balanced.
As our specialty at GG is private and semi private training along with proper program design, I am bias to that. Every person is drastically different and that should be reflected in their training program, especially if you want long term progression, and to stay injury free.

Our clients have multiple options as they progress here at Garage Gym.
Initially most clients recieve private training for a period of time. Learning new movements, proper proper form, learn to eat, and straighten out any issues found within the assessment.
After our clients are properly balanced and understand how to move correctly they have multiple options, whether its decreasing their number of 1-1 sessions per week, attending group class, program design or remote programming. Our clients learn that once their bodies have been built back up properly that maintenance of this is just as important as the path it took to get there. Your months/years of hard work will and does disappear quickly once no structured program is followed. Your body is an organism that requires proper maintenance and as soon as you give it a chance, it will revert back to the "old you".
If you dont believe this, take 2 weeks off from doing anything, just go to work, live your life and stay out of the gym. What happens? When you go back you feel aweful. This holds true for attempting to write your own programming. Ive tried writing my own programming on a few occasions, and I fell apart in a few weeks. (and I write programs for a living). You need a 2nd pair of eyes.

Train smart and listen to your coach.


Thank for your attention General Health/Elite Athlete/Maintenance

my blog General Health/Elite Athlete/Maintenance, Have a nice day.

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