IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : News and Announcements- Important Stuff
Title : News and Announcements- Important Stuff
News and Announcements- Important Stuff
The past 2 months here have been overwhelming! Numerous new clients funneling through our doors to learn and improve on their health and fitness levels. A few announcements Id like to make first off...
- Garage Gym is going to be hosting a student summer Weightlifting and Conditioning Camp- details will be announced shortly
- Our current clientele has exceeded the limits of our current staff and so we are bringing on a highly qualified trainer starting in the beginning of April- formal announcement will be soon.
- As we continue to expand, we are continually looking for qualified trainers to bring on board helping us to better serve our client base.
- We are going to be adding a few new programs to our current offerings shortly. One of which will be a Mud Run endurance race training program for those who are training for a spartan race, tough mudder or something similar. This program will prepare you for the obstacles, the race distance and conditions.
- The boilermaker 5k and 15k are only 4 months away. I am writing numerous programs for area runners who are looking to top their best times. Beginner to advanced we have a running programming to help you smash your goal. Contact us today!
- We want to welcome a handful of new clients to Garage Gym. Rachel, Bobbi, Melissa, Lisa, Cheri, Mike, Marshall, and Nick. We have consultations backed up two weeks. Call today to schedule your free consult! With our experienced staff expanding additional time slots that were previously full, will now be available.
Everyone needs a coach. Athletes, Mom and Dads, beginners, elite, crossfitters, weekend warriors. You'll never look back.
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my blog News and Announcements- Important Stuff, Have a nice day.
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