A sample programming template

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : A sample programming template
Title : A sample programming template

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A sample programming template

IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... The more programming I do (50+ workouts a week), the more I learn. The more assessments and coaching sessions I perform (30+ per week), the more I see, and learn what WORKS and why.
I am a fitness geek. As a custom based fitness programmer and coach there is always a plan, a template, and a reason. I love being asked "Why am I doing this". If your coach says because it will get you in better shape or its a good workout, I would ask him to dig deeper.
Throwing workouts up on the white board with multiple modalities that look cool on paper makes no sense, is doing a diservice to your clients and yourself as a coach.

The below is a sample template for a crossfitter who is looking to compete in the 2013 sectionals. This template is GENERAL and is tweaked by numerous different factors(assessment results, training age, goals, time frame for training, life etc) but I figured it would be interesting to look at.

Once again, you need to have a firm understanding of prescribing the correct, reps, rest, sets and percentage of effort to elicit the right response within EACH INDIVIDUAL ATHLETE. And unless you have EXPERIENCE with what you are prescribing to your client, do not go there.

4/9-4/23- Basic CP strength working at percentages of 65-85% (jump back in)

4/23-5/7- Assessment

5/7-7/16 2 CP strength, 1 CP Speed, 1 High end aerobic single modality 65%

7/16-7/23 Re-assess

7/23-9/17 2 CP speed, 1 CP strength, 1 High end aerobic mixed modality 65%

9/17-9/23- rest 5 days if needed

*We will pretend this athlete is not overtrained

9/17-12/10 1 CP speed, 1 CP strength, 1 ANG (40-120 sec), 1 MAP (30 sec-3 min)
* ANG and MAP sessions progress with time

12/10-2/18 1 CP(mix speed and strength depending), 1 MAP (3-10min), 1 CF tester based on the athletes weakness (Ex: muscular endurance vs aerobic), 1 ANG (120-240sec)

2/18 sectionals

Once again this is a general template. The workload for a specific athlete could be double this amount. Depends on sooo many things.
This gives some of you an idea of what goes into play when we are talking about clients who are looking at fitness as a long-term journey, who takes progression and programming seriously.

More templates to come.


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my blog A sample programming template, Have a nice day.

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