Tired of the gym?

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Tired of the gym?
Title : Tired of the gym?

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Tired of the gym?

Male Winner Garage Gym Games III
Matt Tanner

Female Winner
Rachel Herrick (right)

Wow its been 3 weeks since I've last posted. Im going to try and be more diligent with posting from here forward. We've been cranking at the gym, putting in long days and watching our client base keep crushing each day. Also google changed our blogs so they can only be opened in google Chrome, which I am not too good at using so I avoid it as much as I can.

The below post is an article I wrote for the local newspaper.

Tired of the gym?
Everyone knows that guy at the gym that looks like he’s trying out for a role in Pumping Iron. He’s walking around giving advice to everyone between his seated dumbbell curls listening to Lady Gaga and drinking from a gallon jug of water. Hardcore. Then you wake up one morning and you decide you are tired of training at Planet Treadmill and have nightmares of the lunk alarm going off because you are actually working out hard. You want to work out at home, in your own space, freedom to grunt, sweat, and cry if needed.
Welcome back to reality, solider. Anyone can train at home, in their backyard or a parking lot. We’ve made everyone believe that they need to have the latest ab blaster or they have to train on a nautilus machine to see results. Right? Wrong! Its summer time, get outside and breathe some fresh air. Listed below are 3 ideas to play around with when looking for a good workout outside. With that said, remember these ideas are for those looking for something new. Two things: don’t over do it, the below workouts are potent. Second, getting hit by a car will not help you get fitter- be safe.
1) Hill Sprints- Find a huge hill, start at the bottom, sprint as hard as humanly possible for 20 sec. Walk down the hill to the start line again and rest for 3 min. Repeat 6-10 times. Simple, but yet you never see anyone sprinting hills anymore, other than myself and my group class on West Hill. Stop by and introduce yourself next time you drive by, we don’t bite.
2) Find a heavy rock. If you have a hard time finding one, walk on the edges of a farmer’s field and you will find plenty of them. Once you find your perfect rock, carry it home or to your car, this may be a workout itself depending how far you have to carry it.
Workout: Complete 21 Thrusters with your rock then 10 Burpees then Run 200m fast, rest 3 min and repeat 3-5 times. Another simple workout that will shred more fat in half the time you spend running on your elliptical while watching Oprah.
3) Buy an 8 dollar jump rope. I have 2 workouts for you with this one. Complete 500 single unders with your new jump rope for fastest time possible. For each mistake you make perform 10 pushups and 15 sit-ups.
For those that are jump rope pros, attempt this workout. Complete max double unders with your jump rope in 10 min. Goal is to beat 600. Breathing hard and drenched in sweat from 10 minutes of working out? I bet you are.
Don’t overlook the simplicity with training. These are very generalized workouts and I have hundreds if not thousands more. I write hundreds of workouts for athletes and your average moms and dads who enjoy this primitive way of training. I’d pick anyone of them to be on my team before your juiced up globo fitness junkie.
I also recommend you receive a proper fitness assessment before attempting these workouts. (my disclaimer). Are these workouts for everyone? No, as by now we all know everyone is different in their needs towards accomplishing true health, these are just ideas.

Cue the Rocky Music.

Train, eat, live,
Garage Gym, where we watch parents become fitter than today’s average 17 year old.


Thank for your attention Tired of the gym?

my blog Tired of the gym?, Have a nice day.

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