Marching into 2013, chins held high

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Marching into 2013, chins held high
Title : Marching into 2013, chins held high

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    Marching into 2013, chins held high


    Its hard to define a challenge but sometimes a picture tells it all. 
    Often we only have our sweat drops to talk us through a workout
    Each drop of sweat has its own story

    2013 is only hours away. Whether or not you had an awesome 2012, that is not excuse to not crush 2013. I will be marching into battle with all of you, ready to crush goals, pave the path, and walk the walk. There isn't a better community on this earth Id rather be surrounded by. I just watched over 20 clients this morning crush their final workout, some laying on the floor from exhaustion  just get to in one last amazing feeling before 2013. We train clients to never quit. I get to live my dream everyday working with motivated, happy, upbeat clients such as yourselves.  We have tripled our client base in 2012 and we plan on doing the same thing in 2013. At Garage Gym we attract winners. A winner is someone who is willing to do what it takes to get the job done, no lame excuses, no whining, no i woulda coulda shoulda stuff. Life is hard, we all understand that, so embrace it, and visualize your success. One thing I can guarantee is if you do not HAVE A VISION FOR SUCCESS, you WILL NOT SUCCEED. If you wait for the time to come that it just "happens", you will be waiting forever. A vision with dramatic detail is enough to empower any human being to amazing results. If you truly believe in yourself, and i mean TRULY  you are unstoppable  I already have a vision of myself at the empire state games in July 2013. I already see my warm up  my music, my weights I am going to open the competition with, I see it, I believe and nothing will stop me. Once this attitude is developed you look at challenging times as time to learn, and time of enjoyment with a new outlook and more appreciation. Garage Gym is a community of those that embrace and value their health and understand this does not come easy. I remember when I was 14 doing hay at a local farm, 50 feet high in a hay mow all by myself on a 90 degree day, just myself and $5 per hour. I would start on the wagon, unload 15 bales, and climb to the top of the mow and stack them, and do this over and over again, nose dripping from the dust, coughing, dehydrated  sore and tired. After the final wagon was done Id collect my $30-40 and walk home, drenched in sweat. I wanted to quit, but I've always had that voice to never stop. Stopping only conditions the brain to try harder next time to force you to quit. If you never let your brain win that argument  it will eventually give up, leaving you with the mental capacity to do anything.
    2013 is the year we bond even closer, a year we all learn more about ourselves, a year we become comfortable with uncomfortable, a year we hold OURSELVES acountable, a year where we understand that whinning and excuses does nothing but weaken us, a year we radiate with health and happiness.

    Onwards to 2013....cheers 



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