IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Lifestyle Consult Case Study
Title : Lifestyle Consult Case Study
Lifestyle Consult Case Study
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ...Last week I was consulting with a Remote Lifestyle client via skype and thought I'd take this opportunity to share some insights.
This client was thinking about going back to school to pursue another degree and wanted to discuss ideas around this. Going back to school would mean she had to leave the state and relocate for 3 years. This client was mid 30's with an established career, married, and wanted a family. We started off with an activity to help define her Core Values and what she valued as top priorities in her life. We came up with a list of 10. Your core values fill voids in your life that you perceive as missing. Your core values are what you spend your energy doing, what you fill your space with, how you spend your money along with some other factors. In order to achieve fulfillment in life, you need to fill the voids (aka live according to your core values). So after her Core Values were defined, we made a list of what values would be satisfied and not satisfied if she decided to return to school. Then we made a list of what values would be satisfied if she stayed in her current situation. Finally, we made a list of what values would be satisfied in the 3rd option she had brought up which was to reduce the hours spent at her current job and spend more time building a business she has always dreamed of pursuing.
After discussing and comparing the 3 options and which option would best suite the opportunity to fill we discovered that going back to school was only going to fill 1-2 of her values, staying in her current position was going to fill 5-6 and her 3rd option would fill all of them. This realization brought tears to her eyes, because she understood the life she was living and the life she thought she wanted to life does not align with who she truly is. Now she is extremely motivated to start putting some plans and goals on paper to start pursuing a path that will fulfill her values and service individuals for the greater good. With this discovery, she is now sleeping better, digestion has improved, she's motivated to attack each day. She has a vision and plans, and most of all they are aligned with who she truly is, leaving her the opportunity to discover her mission here on earth and not just become another Wednesday hump day, and Thank God its Friday individual who wishes there life away. She has a plan, and it all stemmed from defining who she truly is (not who she wants to be, or who she thinks she should be) and living according to those principles.
Its natural to think you are living optimally because you have a pension, health benefits and a "career." That leads to comfort, and peace of mind in regards to security. But if you were to ask that same person what do you dream about, or what if you took money and benefits out of the picture, what would you do with your life at that point? Some have no clue, and some a light bulb goes on. They discover they are bound to a life that they think they need to be living because they are fearful of failure, whether from money, family relationships, not being smart enough, or being looked at by society as "wrong" or selfish.
Everything in your life is currently pointing you in the direction you need to be headed. All the things that you do and think about is pointing you in the direction you need to be headed. The things you fill your space, energy, time and spend money on, are all pointing you in the direction you need to be headed. There is a common theme here. Define your values, discover your mission, live according to them, and your vocation will become your vacation, you will be inspired every day to wake up and fulfill your mission here on earth.
I consult with clients who are looking to discover themselves, and chase their true potential in life. If I can help you in any way possible, feel free to email at
On a side note, Garage Gyms private training slots are filling extremely fast for 2013. 5 trainers, one goal, to help you live an optimal life and chase greatness.
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