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                                  Do you live a limited fearful life or are you ready to break free?

    Have you ever thought, what is it that is stopping me from doing what I truly love?
    Working with clients and just having normal conversation I can tell where they get excited, where they light up and what motivates them. Many people have no idea what their passion is even though it is right in front of their eyes.
    What stops people from living life to the fullest?
    Why not venture out and start an adventure?

    With that said, there is 3 things that are needed for success.
    1) Desire and Dreams
    2) Goals
    3) Detailed Plans
    4) A Mastermind Group

    I see people stay in jobs and professions for 30+ years only to work for a pension, health benefits and retirement, only wishing the Fridays would come around faster. Let me tell you, I consult with numerous individuals who have "made it", who worked hard for retirement to only find within the first week of freedom that they are empty.

     I also see people who think they are working in their passion but deep inside are not.

    I realized at an early age, through discussions with various mentors and a large amount of observation that I am only going to live a life that is built around what I value and enjoy doing. People thought I was crazy leaving a few great jobs with awesome retirements, benefits etc, but that's not how I want to look back on my life. I want to look back on my life as one that I followed my passion.

    Your values define who you are, what makes you tick, its your job to become aware of them and build your life around them. Wealth follows all who live according to their values and want to provide a personal service to others.

    Remove all limiting beliefs that you have, whether its your parents advice, what society deems as the correct path, or what the scared voice inside your head says.

    Where most fail is when it comes to goal setting, detailed plans and long term visions.

    Ask yourself, what long term plans in life do I have? I get many blank stares with this question.

    Have you ever compared where you are now to where you were 10 years ago? Scary for some, amazing for others.

    What can you learn from the past, and what do you have in place for the future. Detailed plans, not just "I want this or that", PLANS.

    Finding yourself comes through operating and maintaining a healthy body and mind. A toxic sick body is only concerned with survival and is unable to achieve true consciousness and clarity around achieving greatness.

    Have you ever noticed those that give give give, never have time for themselves end up being less than sufficient at helping others and in many cases become sick themselves needing the help of others?

    Put yourself first, treat your body with respect, and others around you will benefit more than ever.

    Find yourself.


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