IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Garage Gym Experience:Client Highlight John C
Title : Garage Gym Experience:Client Highlight John C
Garage Gym Experience:Client Highlight John C
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ...I reached out to John over 15 months ago in regards to a professional alliance with Garage Gym. John's day job is a Sports Medicine Practitioner at Slocum Dickson and husband/father/ tri-athlete. 15 months ago my intentions where to find a progressive practitioner that believes in preventative health care and also believes in customized fitness/nutrition and lifestyle programs that aids in his clients increasing performance and healing properly. I also wanted to have a reliable, knowledgeable, professional that I could send GG clients too in the event that they needed an injury treated, soft tissue work, pre existing injuries etc... Needless to say this connection worked extremely well for both of us. Unfortunately for GG, John and his family will be moving to Maine where he will be pursuing his career in the sports medicine field in a new position that he is extremely excited to start. With that being said even though we are sad John will be leaving the GG community we are thrilled to continue are professional relationship with him and will be communicating in regards to remote programming services for his potential clients and of course future business ideas.
Johns Highlights at Garage Gym
Assessment February 2012
Dumbbell split squat 3 reps at body weight
2000m row 9:01
0 chin ups- never was able to do chin ups as a kid
Side bridge :40 sec/side
500m row 136.9 on floor for 10 min after
Back squat 45# bar due to flexibility and R hip flexor surgury in 2011
Maximum Aerobic function test- 1 mile run at 150HR time = 11:34
April 2013
Dumbbell split squat 35#/hand for 8 reps at 30X0 tempo
2000m row 8:01 ( we re-tested this 8 weeks after he started, did not have time to re-test before he left)
8 chin ups at body weight
1 weighted chin up at 30lbs
Side bridge 90 sec/side
500m row 130.9 (walked this off, short recovery time)
Back squat 230lb for 3 reps- yes you read that right, ass to grass depth
5000m row 19:38 157.8 avg. (take note, this average is faster than Johns first 2000m row)
Row 500m rest 2 min x 8 average 1:43.5
Maximum Aerobic Function test 1 mile run at 150HR time= 9:57
Reduced body weight 12 lbs from assessment starting weight
The results speak for themselves but what those need to understand that are reading this is John is a very committed individual. He works 50+ hours a week, has 2 children, and is a very active volunteer in the community with that said John rarely missed his sessions, and when he did he completed a workout at home. If he was on vacation, he worked out. He was strict with his nutrition also which he understood was a main component to his success. Just a few months ago they introduced their 2nd child into this world, and John still remained focused even though his sleep was lacking. John trained hard for 14 months while at GG and he's left his fair share of sweat on our gym floor. Full effort = full victory.
Discover your potential at Garage Gym
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