A quick insight into a complex issue...

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : A quick insight into a complex issue...
Title : A quick insight into a complex issue...

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    A quick insight into a complex issue...


    Lets get our thinking caps on for this one, ill break down the following hopefully in terms most can understand.

    The following is summarized from "why we get fat" and "good calories bad calories", both great reads if you are patient and enjoy learning.

    An epidemic that comes across the TV screen at least once a week is how much fatter our youth is getting at younger and younger ages. In recent studies its shown that children are fatter at 6 months than they ever used to be. But how can that be? At that age physical activity and nutrition choices aren't much of their own choice. Overweight kids generally come from overweight parents, that shouldn't be much of a surprise. Every ones genes control insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone that controls blood sugar, the more insulin released the higher chance you have of being overweight and higher chance you have of becoming more and more insulin resistant which means even MORE insulin will need to be released to accomplish the same task... Ill discuss the science behind that another time. The reason I want to discuss this is...the nutrients supplied to your baby is through the placenta and umbilical cord. If the mothers blood sugar is high, that obviously means the more sugar the child is getting in the womb. What does that mean? As your child develops all its organs, (mainly pancreas) they develop a different sensitivity to insulin and generally develop more insulin secreting cells which means the more insulin your child will be secreting by birth to fight off the sugar in its blood (bad). As a result your baby is born fatter with a higher resistance to insulin, making the chances of your child becoming type 2 diabetic at a younger age and all the fun stuff that comes with that. In recent studies its shown that we are predisposed to get fat at different ages even if their is no sign of that at a young age. Ex: Joey will start putting weight on at 16, Tony at 32 and Steve at 56, all based on how insulin resistant their bodies have become from the time they were in the womb to their current age. Its a fact that most woman who gain excessive weight during pregnancy, are diabetic or become diabetic during pregnancy have larger babies (these woman have higher levels of blood sugar). From discussion with those in the delivery room, babies born from mothers described above are sometimes in need of sugar within minutes of being born due to low blood sugar (hypoglycemic). Bad news people...your kid is already craving a candy bar and their eyes aren't even open yet.

    So wheres this topic headed...if you compound the problem of obesity being a genetic problem (inheriting insulin resistant genes), which in turn makes fatter kids at younger ages which in turn then have fatter babies again and this cycle continues....where does it stop?

    To the dad's out there, your not out of the woods on this one....you are an example, and a support beam for your wife who is pregnant and attempting to eat healthy, so you and your kid aren't giving each other insulin shots in 10 years!

    Quoted from "why we get fat" by Gary Taubes
    Thus we have more than our own health to consider when we get fat. Our children, too, may pay the price and their children. And each successive generation may find it that much harder to undo the problem.

    What to do? Eat right for your type.
    Questions or discuss topics, feel free to email me!


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