Client Highlight: Brendan Cotter

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Client Highlight: Brendan Cotter
Title : Client Highlight: Brendan Cotter

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Client Highlight: Brendan Cotter


Brendan Cotter:

Brendan Started with Garage Gym as soon as it opened its doors in January 2011. Brendan started with Garage Gym as a group class client traveling from Syracuse 2-3 days a week to participate in class. Brendan had great results with group class and enjoyed the community but he upgraded his package to an exclusive coaching client package to have more attention on his training priorities and goals this past August.

Below are the before and after stats for Brendans performance.

January 2011
Has high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels
3 pullups
no back squatting or deadlifting experience
7:30 mile
36 Umbillical Bodyfat score

Current Oct 2011
Off of his medications
25 pullups
60 lb weighted chinup for 1 rep
Back squat 135lb x 8
Deadlift 225lb x 1
6:37 mile
22 Umbillical Bodyfat Score

These are just some of the many stats I have for Brendan.
He just completed a 25 min "as many reps as possible" workout.
Row 400m
10 Deadlifts at 135lb
8 burpees jumping over bar.

Brendan completed 2,555 meters rowing, 60 deadlifts, and 48 jumping burpees in 25 min!!
He also just thrustered 165lbs for 2 reps (this is his current bodyweight) A thruster is a front squat followed by a push press overhead.

Congrats Bren!


Brendan Cotter

Garage Gym group fitness classes and the private training have helped me in a number of aspects. Coming in with a running background, the classes have significantly increased my running performance and endurance. The stretching workouts through Garage Gym have identified weaknesses in flexibility and targeted specific techniques to increase that flexibility. From a health perspective, Garage Gym fitness classes have provided benefits as well. The classes and diet information have contributed to a better lifestyle by helping to combat job-related stress and generally making me feel better both physically and mentally. At 31 I am by far in the best shape of my life, largely due to participation at Garage Gym. I would strongly recommend Garage Gym to anyone interested in achieving their fitness/health goals.


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my blog Client Highlight: Brendan Cotter, Have a nice day.

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