Sample Workout

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Sample Workout
Title : Sample Workout

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Sample Workout

Russ working hard.....

Ive been asked to post a sample workout of a client who is preparing for the Garage Gym Games in January. With that said it needs to be understood that all my athletes are different and all complete drastically different workouts based on goals/priorities. Russ has been with me since June 2011. Russ was an aerobic based specialist when he met me. We introduced the basic weightlifting movements to him as a skill base first, then transitioned to a strength routine, then onto interval based weightlifting/anaerobic/MAP training. So you can see the progression, a new movement starts with learning it as a skill, then implementing it into an actual program then onto a training modality for energy system training.

Russ' workout he completed tonight
Training Type: Interval Weight-training

3 sets:
10 power clean touch n go 115lb
Airdyne 2 min at 80%
(rest 3 min)
3 sets:
10 back squats with 135lb
Row 500m at 2:00/split
(rest 3 min)
2 sets:
15 box jump with step down at 24 inch
rest 20 sec
20 pushups unbroken
rest 2 min

This workout is individually written for Russ. The weights rxed, rest time, and number of sets is specific to HIM!
Find a coach, set goals, learn, improve, re-assess, continue to does not stop!


Thank for your attention Sample Workout

my blog Sample Workout, Have a nice day.

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