The proof is in the numbers

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IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : The proof is in the numbers
Title : The proof is in the numbers

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    The proof is in the numbers

    IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... We don't guess at Garage Gym. We assess, prescribe, re-assess, re-prescribe.

    Here's a look at two clients who attended a 1 hour nutrition seminar at GG and currently completes 3 group class workouts per week at Garage Gym

    Bodyfat Scores
    Client #1

    Total sum 93
    Midsection 51.5
    Total sum 75.5
    Midsection 37.5

    Client #2

    total sum 154.5
    midsection 98

    total sum 110.5
    midsection 63

    Total percentage decrease was 19% and 29%
    Midsection decrease was 23% and 36%

    Is your program producing results? If yes or no, how do you know for sure?

    This is one of many ways we determine "success" here at GG as we all know every ones path to optimal health is different.

    I want to highlight 2 phenomenal options to those considering joining Garage Gym.
    1) We are going to be offering an 8 wk Start My Journey Summer Program for all ages and abilities. The spots are limited for this program. Contact us for more details.

    2) Our program design and remote programming are killer packages that produce killer results. Are you a little short on time or looking to follow a great program at your own facility that is designed for YOU? Contact us.

    Find out how GG is producing unheard of results and building a community who is finding out that looking great, feeling great and understanding WHY and WHAT they are doing to become so successful. Acquiring Life-long Skills and knowledge.

    We are waiting for you. Schedule a free no obligation consultation today!


    Thank for your attention The proof is in the numbers

    my blog The proof is in the numbers, Have a nice day.

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