IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ... : Living the Garage Gym life...
Title : Living the Garage Gym life...
Living the Garage Gym life...
IMPORTANT, MUST BE READ...Rondax doing his stretches with his Dad.
Fitness and pursuing greater levels of health means something different to everyone. For some its a hobby, they enjoy the workouts and breathing hard and the challenges, others they want to stay healthy giving them a chance to participate in the other activities in life they love.(we all know that a weak sick body isn't prepared for "the good times". For some its becoming a great example for their children. Others its enjoying the feeling of structure and discipline and becoming comfortable with uncomfortable. Whatever reason it is, we are all in this for the same purpose. To live a larger life, and follow our passions. I am a firm believer that only through a healthy strong, body and mind, can you achieve true optimum potential and self discovery. I relate it to coloring the lens on a camera with a marker and taking a picture and then taking a picture with a clear lens, which picture comes out better? Ie: A toxic cloudy foggy aching body, versus a clean running, motivated, happy healthy body/mind.
The other day I was discussing with a client why I feel everyone needs a coach, always. First off, unless you study program design, and have 5-10 years coaching others and yourself, Id assume that writing your own workouts at the gym would be something similar to an insurance agent taking apart his car engine and replacing the piston and rings. Hows that going to workout? It doesn't we all know that. I personally have a program design coach, life coach, business coach and a local mentor. All of which I pay monthly fees too each month. Why? They make me do things I would never make myself do, they keep me on task, they push me to new limits, they question me when I'm slacking off, they set goals for me, they make me become better. I cringe when I here people say they are going to attempt to write their own workouts, and get back into "working out" without guidance. Its human nature to avoid pain, pursue pleasure. Over time you will slowly get back into your old habits and comfortable way of doing things because you have NO ONE pushing you and guiding you, no one holding you accountable. Why do teams have coaches? Why shouldn't wrestlers and basketball players coach themselves? How would those practices and games go? Failure. No structure, no discipline no pushing each other, chaos.
I work with numerous local business owners. Successful business owners who have there stuff in order. Guess what? Each of them have a circle of influence/coaches/mentors, whatever you want to call it. They attend conferences, discuss what works/what doesn't they have a plan they need to follow and report back on in order to make sure they are improving and getting better at what they do, they are coached, everyday because they want to get better. These individuals are what some would call "doing great", but they push to be better. They know that once growth has stopped, you are now moving backwards, and if you are not moving forward personally and in your business the energy you transmit to those around you is weak and negative( non local consciousness- look that up) How is it that when you are having a great day those around you seem to be having a great day and vice versus? Energy.
We all know that person in life that is stagnant, they've done the same workout routine for the past 15 years (and are probably wearing the same tank top), they are content with no improvement, and have no guidance what so ever. Then you meet people who are constantly bettering themselves, positive, chasing greatness. Who do you want to model your life after? I know for me I can talk to the "go-getter's" or what Pete calls the producers, FOR HOURS, because we learn from each other and have in depth conversations.
I am currently setting my personal, fitness and business goals for 2013, all of which I will discuss with my coaches in the upcoming month to further refine.
Are you doing the same?
Recent Client High lights
Rachel Herrick
Deadlift 225lb 10 reps
Front Squat 125lb at a bodyweight of 120lb
completed 15 rounds of 5 thruster 50lb, 5 pullups, 5 box jumps 18 inch in 15:30
300 FY score of 143- Garage Gym PR
500m row x 8 sets rest 2 min bt sets - held avg of 2:05- Garage Gym PR
Back squat 65lb x 8 reps- full depth
Row 2k 9:22 (:50 sec pr)
Post 4 week layoff for SX- 300 FY score 206
Back squat A2G 205lb x 10 at bodyweight of 179. Thats up 85lbs in 10 weeks)
Back squat 170lb Back squat A2G 10 reps at bodyweight of 160lb
Powell raise increase 50%
Goblet squat depth 5 inches lower
Russian step ups at 16inch with bodyweight-----> 8 weeks later 30lbs.
Deadlift 70lb x 8
Side bridge 90 sec pass
Completing hand release pushups, ring rows, and 40lb weighted step ups
Thanks for sharing the pain with the partner 300FY challenge- memories, more to come
The list goes on and on...
An army is being created.
Thank for your attention Living the Garage Gym life...
my blog Living the Garage Gym life..., Have a nice day.
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