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Over the past 2 weeks we have been doing some testing with our athletes. Testing is a measurable way of recording improvement over time and improvements are why most people chose to workout. There's numerous ways of working out on the market now, from Crossfit high rep throw a bunch of stuff into a blender style, to dance classes, p90x etc etc... BUT the question is are you improving? Sometimes "tests" of fitness are what some would consider maybe boring because its not "made" for tv. But my belief is you NEED to test/re-test to make sure your athletes/clients are improving. Many trainers avoid this being afraid of the results, their clients not improving over a long period of time. Once that 6 month grace period of seeing results is over with, then program knowledge is needed to avoid injury,(can we say learning the overhead squat at your fundamental class, really?) and see continual improvement. Drawing up random workouts based on nothing, wont help your clients anymore. That's where program design knowledge and experience in the trenches comes into play. The design of  testing workouts is critical that they are designed to test EXACTLY what you are looking to test.

Client A does 135 30 reps clean and jerk for time with a 1 rep max of 165. This would be testing cp battery energy system.
Client B does 135 30 reps clean and jerk for time with a 1 rep max of 305. This would be mainly anaerobic power

WHAT are you specifically testing for? Is the test writtten correctly for the specific energy system you are testing? Is your client setup correctly within their program to have accurate results through a potentiation model? Ie: testing a 1 rep max deadlift the day after doing barbara --->  5 rounds of 20 pullups 30 pushups 40 situps and 50 airsquats.

Once testing is done, a new template will be written based on the groups weaknesses and then there will be a re-test after that period and adjustments will be made moving forward.

Test, train, re-test, adjust, repeat


Thank for your attention Testing

my blog Testing, Have a nice day.

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